“To keep your marriage brimming, with love in the wedding cup, whenever you’re wrong, admit it; whenever you’re right, shut up.”

Wedding planning checklist Ideas from Expert

Wedding planners are the new breed in India’s weddings and marriages. No wedding party or ceremony can be completed without the help and support of expert wedding planners in India.
Gone are the days when people or even we used to make all the arrangements related to a wedding or marriage. People used to take help from all the family members and friends. We used to find people who have bit of experience in all the fields and have some connection in the market so that we can get some discounts and rebate in the rates of various things attached to a wedding planning like wedding flowers, wedding decorative items, catering, etc.

But all these things are now being planned by Indian wedding planners as they have or rather they maintain a checklist for all the related items of a wedding.

Here are some of the checklist ideas for Wedding planning expert which can be used to make happy wedding or a hassle free wedding:

Guest list:
It is always beneficiary to maintain a guest list as it gives you the idea of how many people are coming for the ceremony and to attend the wedding. There are so many ceremonies attached to a wedding and not all the guests are invited for all the functions. Like for Ring ceremony, there are lesser number of guests are invited and for Sangeet and other ceremonies as well. The maximum strength of guests is invited for the main wedding event. So making a list of guests for each ceremony can give you a fare idea of how to manage food and lodging for the guest.

Make the list of food and catering:
The food is the main thing which is remembered all the time. If you miss out anything in the food and catering then rest everything is wasted as people mostly enjoy the food in any wedding. Prepare a list of all types of food like vegetarian or non-vegetarian.

You must take care of this fact as it is very important in Indian wedding, the cast religion and the type of food, and it is always suggestible that the non-vegetarian food section and the vegetarian food section is always established at different locations as people might not like to share the same area as per their religious belief.

Wedding flowers and other decorative items:

Wedding flowers and other decorative items are also very important factors in any wedding ceremony. It shows and symbolizes the happiness on any wedding planning idea.
These some basic facts can add wonders to any wedding and these are not only for any wedding planners; it can be used by any common person as well.
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