“To keep your marriage brimming, with love in the wedding cup, whenever you’re wrong, admit it; whenever you’re right, shut up.”

Unique Ideas - How To Decorate Your Wedding To Match Your Overall Theme

As per the new trend in wedding & marriages, celebrating the occasion with a specific theme is in the air. It not only makes your wedding a great experience for the invitees, but also gives the example of a perfect modern wedding ceremony respectively. The wedding planners in India re giving a huge emphasis on the aspects like the wedding venue & wedding dresses. “Theme”, especially signifies to a particular way which is followed in the execution of the wedding. Some of the best & the most popular themes in India are Palace Wedding & Royal wedding. These kinds of weddings will completely make the surrounding as the word sounds.

Image Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/118255208@N08/14004497977
They especially are organized in Palaces & heritage hotels. The groom & the bride are dressed as king & queen & they are being carried on a horse pulled chariot. It will completely make them along with the invitees feel like they are enjoying a royal palatial wedding respectively. Ferns & Petals (FnP) will create this kind of thematic arrangements exclusively in the customized manner, just for you. Theme weddings are not much expensive as you think. It is all about proper planning & the best execution & implementation of the plan. The wedding planner in India mainly gives emphasis on the decoration part keeping the most important segment of “food”, ignored. Ferns & Petals (FnP) will create an essence of royalty in the food & eating table too. With specially designed royal plates & kingly gestured waiters, the best florists in India will never cease to amaze you.

The place where the groom & the bride sit is no doubt, the most attractive & nucleus of the event. The eyes of the invitees & guests will go over there in the first go. So the wedding planners suggest, decorating the wedding venue with perfect floral arrangements that goes well in rhythm with the theme of your wedding. If you are planning to have a garden wedding, then flowers like sunflowers will be the best to decorate the place where they sits. Similarly in the case of royal wedding decorations with white colored flowers & roses will be the perfect choice, since they signifies royalty.

Theme wedding is not only about taking care of the thematic aspects, but also making it sure that it suits your pocket. Budget comes first. Ferns & Petals (FnP) will create the perfect budget estimation for your wedding & it will be carried out in the most exotic manner as you ever imagined. Make your dream wedding a reality.
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